The alleged rape of a 15-year-old girl in Salobreña over Halloween is under investigation by the Guardia Civil.
The suspected aggressor is a 16-year-old youth. The incident, which reportedly took place in the Parque del Tren, was reported to the police by the girl’s parents. The said park is a children’s playpark next to Calle Apero Agrela.
At the moment, after appearing before a Minors Magistrate, the youth is being held in a centre for minors, pending the results of the police investigation.
As for the alleged victim, she was examined that same day in Hospital Santa Ana in Motril.
The last case of sexual aggression on the coast was in Motril in July 2021, when a girl was reportedly accosted by several youths upon leaving a pub in that town and one of their number was accused of sexual aggression. However, he was acquitted as the judge considered that evidence was insufficiently conclusive in order to hand down a condemnatory sentence.
(News/Noticias: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)