Illegal Dwellings Saved

Within the municipality of Moraleda de Zafayona, (near Alhama de Granada) there are 500 illegal dwellings whose owners have been battling for them to be legalised.

GRA PON Moraleda House Demolished OC23The Junta de Andalucía had already ordered and had carried out the demolition of one of them in Urbanización de Los Tablazos, so the end was seemingly nigh.

Mayor Virginia Pantigas (PSOE) explained that the new Urban Development Plan, which is in the pipelines, will mean that they can be legalised and that nobody would have to see their home torn down before their eyes again.

Until the General Municipal Development Plan (PGOM) comes into force any house that has been in existence for more than six years can be legalised. Most of these houses in the said urbanización have been around for 40 years on non-building land.

We reported on the house that was demolished, because the lawyer that represented the family had fallen down on the job and messed it up, allegedly.

The mechanism that is available until the PGOM comes into force is the Asimilado Fuera de Ordenación, which allows the Town Hall to legalise dwellings that carry out the proper requirements. Each one must install a sewage tank which will cost about 5,000 euros, for example.

So far 70 families with houses on Urb. Los Tablazos have carried out the necessary requirements and can now rest easy. A further seven have their paperwork underway but so far not complete.

(News/Noticias, Moraleda de Zafayona, Poniente de Granada, Granada, Andalucia)

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