National Police Email Hoax

We all get bombarded with spam emails and the occasional suspicious one inviting us to click on a link, which would result in disaster. Now there's a new one.

SPN Policia Nacional Warn about Spam EmailThis one involves a false message from the Policía Nacional, informing the recipient to present themselves at a police station to make a statement.

It has the veracity of the Sugar Tooth Fairy or a Trump social-media post, so if you do receive one, don’t for God’s sake click on an offered link.

OK, lumping Trump together with the Sugar Tooth Fair was unfair on the fairy in question but, hey!

Anyway, in this new bombardment of nefarious trickery, the user is summoned to appear before the Complaints Office for alleged “charges of aggravated robbery.”

When you click on the link Electronic Citation APP or that appears in the email, you are directed to a web page, starting an automatic downloading of a compressed zip file that will let loose a bug that will rampage through your device.

If you’re sensible, you’ll have a good anti-virus programme on your device, and no, Apple computers are not immune to viruses.

The Central Cybercrime Unit of the National Police has, among other objectives, to help prevent the spread malicious software. Their advice is hover your cursor over a link and you will see the re-direct is somewhere other than its claimed destination.

Our advice is take you computer into the bathroom and waterboard it until it admits its infected and then take it into the garden and shoot it – it’s only fair!

(News: Spain)

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