Hamas & Testicles

A young man on a train between Zaragoza and Navarra, screamed that he was Hamas and rubbed his genitals on two young women.

SPN Zaragoza Train StationIt’s just not cricket!

Naturally, the Guardia Civil provided stern looks and a set of gruffly applied handcuffs to the 23-year-old cad.

He  is consequently being charged with threatening behaviour, sexual aggression and public disorder.

According  to the Guardia Civil, he shouted that he belonged  to Hamas and then liberally dragged his wedding tackle over unsuspecting female passengers.

We can assume from the police account that his genitalia was still safely contained within his lower garments, otherwise indecent exposure would have been added to his charge sheet.

This incident took place on Sunday onboard a train en route for Navarra. Around 14.15h the Guardia Civil received an alert from 112 requesting their presence.

The train was stopped at  a station during an hour waiting for the Guardia Civil to board and whip up some respect, which they did, so by 15.50h the accused was travelling  in the back of a patrol car on an unscheduled journey for him.

Editorial comment: we can assume that the gentleman was a stranger to rational thought and subject to supervised, though plainly inadequate, medication.

(News/Noticias: Zaragoza, Aragón)



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