Doorman Identified

The video of a doorman-cum-bouncer, putting a customer in a choke-hold headlock until he passes out only to throw his unconscious body on the ground, has gone viral.

ALM Bouncer Overrreacts 01This is a hold used by muggers because it is applied from behind with the victim completely unaware of what is about to happen. It’s not just that the bouncer carries out the dangerous move, but the fact that he just tosses the unconscious person onto the ground were his head slams against the paving of the lower Altillo Paseo in Almuñécar.

The incident happened in the early hours of the 4th after a customer kicked up a fuss, making a nuisance of himself, according to the Guardia Civil who are investigating the affair. Once outside he had allegedly thrown stones against the discotheque’s facade.

The victim has recovered and has suffered no after effects because this neck hold has been known to have lasting consequences for its victims.

The first to arrive afterwards were the Policía Local, who immediately handed the situation over to the Guardia Civil. They not only identified the aggressor and victim but also all those that witnessed it – many of them just sat back and watched it

So far, there has been no denuncia but the police are gathering evidence to put before a magistrate to see if there is a case that could end in a charge of Actual Bodily Harm.

Editorial comment: here at the Gazette we have watched the video and quite frankly the actions of the bouncer are in no way justified.

(News/Noticias: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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