Guardia Civil has opened an investigation into a middle-aged man in Vélez de Benaudalla, accused of animal cruelty concerning a pony in his possession.
The 47-year-old man allegedly caused suffering to the animal through neglect.
Officers belonging to Seprona (the Nature Protection Service) received information from an animal refuge in Málaga concerning the lamentable conditions this pony was being kept in.
The officers had no trouble finding the property where the animal was being kept, where they noted that its hooves were painfully overgrown. It had no food, water nor shelter, either.
For the above reasons, they contacted the Centro Andalusí de Rescate de Caballos in Málaga for them to take charge of the pony, which they did. However, so advanced was the laminitis that it was irreversible so the pony had to be put down.
(News: Velez de Benaudalla, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)
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