A bit of news for the ladies because the Nevada Shopping Centre, has increased the number of premises with more shops and bars/restaurants.
The Catalán fashion shop, Lola Casademunt, which already has an outlet in the city centre now has a shop on the first floor, in front of Scalpers. The shop, with a floor plan of 96 sq/m, opened its doors on Thursday, the 16th.
Then there’s the new restaurante, Enjoy, which opened the following evening. Located on the first floor as well, the premises covers 650 sq/m of floor space. This restaurant is known for its décor which simulates an exuberant tropical jungle. It provides cocktails as well as lunch and dinners.
The third business to open will be Lefties on the 23rd of this month. They already had a smaller premises within the shopping centre but have moved to a much larger one covering 5,400 sq/m.
You can find them in the area of the shopping centre known as the Plaza Generalife. This new premises will be Lefties largest one in the whole of Spain; bigger even than Lefties in Madrid – it even has a bar inside, so your husbands won’t mind being dragged off into the shop.
The last opening will be the fashion shop, Mango Teen, which is a division of Mango for adolescents, but you will have to wait until Easter for that inauguration.
(News: City & Metropolitan Area, Granada, Andalucia)
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