Hospital Worker Imprisoned

An administrative worker at Granada's main hospital, the PTS, has received a prison sentence for falsifying documents in order to obtain a scan for himself..

GRA Hospital San Cecilio-PTSThis occurred in 2016, although the case has only concluded now, when the worker ordered an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan for a himself without the authority to request or prescribe diagnostic tests.

The result has cost him a 3-year prison sentence now that his appeal was rejected by Regional Supreme Court, which ratified the original findings.

Furthermore, he has to pay a fine of 540 euros and is banned for a further two years from his public employment.

The original court sentence found that between the 3rd and 25th of October, 2016, he used his official computer login to enter the necessary programme to compose a request for an MRI using “invented data.”

This ruse worked and he underwent a scan on the 25th of that month and obtained the results, signed by a doctor the next day. The court findings point out that the normal waiting time for a RMN on the spine is 67 days and each one costs the health service 119 euros.

Editorial note: the results of the test were not included in the court findings.

(News: City & Metropolitan Area, Granada, Andalucia)

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