Every year, the Newsweek magazine publishes a list of the best hospitals in the world, evaluating a total of 2,300 hospitals in 28 different countries.
In the world ranking, six Spanish hospitals make the list of the top 100, but none of them are in Andalucia: within the top 100 are three Madrid hospitals: Hospital La Paz came in first in position in the 53 slot, followed by the Hospital 12 de Octubre (72), and the Hospital Gregorio Marañón (90).
On this worldwide list, the U.S. leads with 33 hospitals, followed by Germany with 14; Italy and France with 10 each; and South Korea with eight.
However, Newsweek also does a list on a purely national level as well as global and on this list of the best hospitals in Spain, there are four hospitals in Andalucia amongst them 30 best hospitals in Spain.
The top-scoring Andalusia hospital are as follows: in 11th place comes the Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío in Sevilla, followed by the Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía in Córdoba in the 22nd slot and then Granada’s Hospital Universitario Virgen de Las Nieves in the 28th slot. Lastly, Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena in Sevilla in the 30th slot.
Editorial comment: the Andalusian public health service is a treasure and we are very fortunate to have it.
(News: Andalucia, Spain)
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