A Lesson in Civility

That wallets turn up at police stations, completely empty of cash or bankcards is far from uncommon but when somebody walks in with a wallet containing 500 euros in cash, well, that is something else.

The Policía Local lost no time to report this incident on their Facebook page, giving it the title of “Honradez y Civismo” (Honesty and Community Spirit). And just as quickly comments back to appear underneath it praising the woman for her good deed there are a total of 59 comments and 60 shares. The most repeated comments was, “thank God that there are still people like this around.”

The police managed to contact its owner who was relieved that it had been found but never expecting to see the 500 euros again.

We don’t know whether the wallet owner offered a recompense in gratitude, nor if he did, whether the 43-year-old accepted it – probably not.

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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