Dam Rupture Alert System

The Junta de Andalucía, in collaboration with Protección Civil, is busy sorting out emergency responses to flooding in general.

COS Velez Canyon Sirens Dam RuptureThis covers everything from tsunamis to a landslide along one of the sides of Rules Reservoir, creating a wave that would breach the dam.

In the case of the latter, they have installed tannoys and sirens along the N-323 where it passes through Los Tajos (canyon) below the dam.

The Mayor of Vélez de Benaudalla, Francisco Gutiérrez, explained that the system would be fully installed by the end of the year. Work began a few weeks ago, erecting the masts after the contract was awarded to a local company.

The Junta has been able to finance this thanks to a grant from the EU but it won’t only be restricted to the canyon but also on the N-323 towards the Béznar Reservoir and in Lobres.

The reservoir is pretty much like a swimming pool in the sense that the less water there is in it, the more susceptible to earth movement. In other words, because the water level in the reservoir is low, there is nothing pushing back against the sides, thus a landslip if more likely in an area where earth movement is known to be taking place.

(News: Velez de Benaudalla, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia: Photo & Original Article)

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