Busy Halloween

The emergency call centre, 112 dealt with 2,825 incidents in Andalucía between 00.01h on the 31st and 05.00h on the 1st of November.

AND Emergency Call Centre 112That might sound like a lot, and it probably is, but it’s 13% down on the same period last year. The majority of the calls (1,269) were to ask for medical assistance.

During Halloween evening there were 530 call ins, which is up on last year, which in turn is indicative of the fact that the trend for this imported fiesta is growing in popularity.

Although most of the calls came in after midnight, the busiest hour was between 21.00h and 22.00h when 171 calls were made.

As said above, the majority of calls were requests for an ambulance but the second-most number of calls were for the police. After this the causes behind the calls were for traffic incidents then fires. After that it was because of animals, utility-supply irregularities and then finally rescues

Sevilla was the province where most calls were made (766) which should be no surprise as it is the most populated. Next came Málaga (572) Cádiz (379) then Granada (373). Bringing up the quieter provinces are Almería (207) Córdoba (196) Jaén (188) and Huelva (144).

One of the incidents that most sticks out is the one that took place in the city of Granada on the corner of Carril del Picón with Calle Sócrates where two youths set fire to rubbish hoppers underneath an elderly lady’s balcony. The fire damaged the facade of two business and flats above the fire.

(News: Andalucia)

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