The latest extension of the Ronda Sur, which circles Motril around the south, will be inaugurated this Saturday.
This is the new section from the Port Road roundabout connecting with the Vadillo Trading Estate – a bridge near the gasolinera on the old Almeria road will take you to the Vadillo main drag, which runs parallel with the Almería road (Kilometro Zero).
This inauguration is good new as you can avoid going through the centre when the new pollution restriction comes into force next year in all towns over 50,000 inhabitants, which is the case of Motril.
Now, the Town Hall has said that on Saturday the new road will remain open between 11.00h and 15.00h “so that everybody can use in on foot.” Yes, on foot. Afterwards it will be opened to traffic.
As the Mayor of Motril, Luisa García Chamorro, explained, “this unblocks development for this area which will change Motril forever.”
The next phase will see a connection built between where it now finishes and the Tanatorio (municipal morgue) which will complete an interior connection allowing traffic coming off he autovía quick access to any part of the town without having to go through the centre to get to it.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)