A reader responds to the article on Vueling flight delays at Granada Airport with her own experience using them and frustration felt at trying to get any response from them.
I am not at all surprised by this after my recent experience with Vueling which is still ongoing. There is no customer care as far as I am concerned!
Although I did get on a flight which was on time they lost my luggage en route from Málaga to Cardiff airport. I was due to attend several ‘dressy’ events in Cardiff and only had the T-shirt, jeans and trainers I was standing up in when I arrived. It was very distressing.
A lost luggage form was completed at Cardiff airport and I had to buy everything I needed for my stay which was time consuming in a strange city and expensive. My bag never turned up in Cardiff but was subsequently found in Málaga after I had returned to Spain.
That was August and it is now October and I have not received my reimbursement despite providing them with every single receipt for what I had to buy. I have tried to contact them. The problem is they do not reply to you if you email them although they say on their website that customer services will respond immediately!
If you ring you cannot speak to a human; just recordings and if you don’t fit the many questions in order to be redirected to the correct department on their answer machine you’ve had it!
Although I have flown with them many times in the past I will never again. Please be careful people if booking with this company. They are rubbish, in my opinion!
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