Running Against Plastic

For the fourth consecutive year a group of hardened cross-country runners will run well over 1,000 KM to bring attention to plastic contamination in our seas.

GRA SIn Plasticos 03Thirteen runners will cover 1,500 kilometres over two days from Gibraltar to Murcia along the coast as part of the awareness-heightening campaign: SinPlasticZamos.

Four of them are from Granada; Miguel González, Andrés Jódar, Juan Carlos Bea and Raúl Rubiño.

This group of super-fit athletes cover this distance without stopping on some of the legs, running on average 100 kilometres per day between the 14th and 15th of this month. In fact, one of them will cover 250 kilometres between Castro del Río (Córdoba) de Manilva (Málaga).

There will be other, parallel activities, such as beach and riverbank cleaning operations, as well as chats aimed at children.

Andrés Jódar, who will be teaming up with Juan Carlos Bea and Miguel González to cover the  Costa-Tropical leg, will depart the Balcón de Europa in Nerja (Málaga) with the first stop in Motril, where they will meet up with Raúl Rubiño coming the other way; i.e. from Adra to Motril.

The sad fact is that every second 200 kilos of plastic goes into our oceans and seas, 70% of which ends up on the seabed and 15% remains floating on the surface, according to the Fundación Aquae.

(News: Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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