We thought that it was about time that we went to see the Councillor for Public Works at the Salobreña Town Hall about the beach road.
After having spoken with the Press Officer, Isabel Ramos, to see if she knew anything about whether the bollards would be replaced or whether the roundabout in front of the Peñón would be restored to full use, she referred me to the said councillor, who was in a meeting in the Mayor’s office next door.
When Councillor Mari Jose García came out of the Mayor’s office, I posed the following questions:
1) Does the Town Hall intend to set the bollards back up along the beach road?
2) If the Town Hall does not intend to do this, will it open up the roundabout in front of Restaurante El Peñón so that traffic can use it to return directly along the beach road; i.e. reintroduce 2-way traffic as far as the Avenida Mediterráneo junction, at least.
She said that they will make a decision on the bollards once the Romería in October has passed – the floats won’t be able to use the beach road if the bollards are put back.
As for the roundabout, that, she pointed out, is a little more complicated because the roundabout has strong metal bars sunk into the road surface – the bollards are easy to place and remove. However, the decision on that, too, will be taken once the Romería fiestas have come and gone.
Stay tuned.
(News: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)
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