Food for Thought: Magic

Imagine if everybody were a magician, although some had more magical powers than others; some had the power of invisibilty or manifesting themselves at a distance.

FTR Technology & MagicWould this be a utopia if everybody had the powers of a wizard & sorceress, or would it be dystopian?

This is, of course, what we have today, but we call it technology, which gives us the ‘magical power’ to communicate over distance, to project our image over distance, to see what is happening over a distance.

Waving our magic wand we can turn summer into winter in our sitting rooms and vice versa. Our wizards’ staffs produce instant light without flame or candle.

Yet in this world of wonders, the most powerful wizards can spy on us, know where we are and what we are doing and with whom we meet because they have invisibility cloaks and walk across our sitting room without our knowing that they sit, watch and listen to us and our children.

No, I haven’t been smoking something illegal nor have I gone over to the dark side where disciples are convinced that the world is flat, Bill Gates controls minds and Covid injections are altering our DNA.

But the thing is that technology, which we take for granted, if witnessed by somebody from the Middle Ages, would think that our mundane world is a world full of wizards and magic, hence the tone of the article.

Do you not hanker, sometimes, for the lost world in which we lived where nobody wielded such magical power? A world before Internet?

Yes, you are reading this thanks to Internet but before you would read it on a written page, either in a publication or through your letterbox in the form of a letter.

(Editorial: Food for Thought)

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