The Central Government has issued a pardon for Andrea Martín Targa, the ex-administrator for Ron Montero, who had been sentenced to 3-years' imprisonment.
It was on the 2nd of July, 2014 that a 45-year-old worker at the rum factory lost his life after an explosion created a fireball in the distilery workshop within the installations.
Two other workers were badly injured, one of whom was the brother of the deceased.
On the 3rd of April 2019 in the Motril law courts, Sra. Martin Targo was found guilty of gross negligence resulting in manslaughter.
According to the Official State Gazette (BOE) where the pardon was announced, the Minister of Justice, had taken into consideration documents presented by the Public Prosecutor’s Office indicating that circumstances existed to exercise “justice and Equity.” In other words, leniency.
The text from the Minister of Justice, María Pilar Llop Cuenca, reads, “I have decided to commute the prison sentence imposed on Andrea Alejandra Martín Targa on condition that she does not commit a crime in the space of three years from the publication of my decision.”
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)
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