Rancho Rio Verde Tarmacking

The tarmacking work between Rancho Río Verde and the Cantalobos area of Almuñécar should conclude before the end of this month.

ALM Rancho Rio Verde Tarmacking AP22 400x250This road-improvement work is being carried out by the construction firm, Hermacasti with a budget of 95,882 euros, which including IVA ascends to 116,017 euros.

The work consists of resurfacing 950 metres of a 1,350-metre section that has deteriorated quite a lot, despite patching up work with concrete in places over the years.

The roadsides also have to be cleaned up of excess vegetation and a concrete drainage channel put in place.

The remaining metres (nearly 400) is a track; i.e., with a dirt surface, that has to have its sides strimmed and any vegetation on the track itself removed. Heavy machinery will level the surface, thus removing irregularities left by the rain. It will then have a compacted aggregate laid and tarmac laid on top. A concrete rain drainage channel will also be built to run along its length.

The Camino del Rancho Río Verde that connects with Cantalobos starts on the N-340 on the Curva del Mateano – that’s the sharp bend up from the Guardia Civil post. There was a restaurant on that bend called El Asador Mateano many years ago. The first two and a half kilometres are tarmacked and last worked on in 2018.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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