Correos Telecom Gesture

Correos Telecom has offered free calls and SMS to Ukraine for their clients, as an act of solidarity with those suffering under the Russian invasion.

SPN Correos Telecom 400x25The move has been made to facilitate communication between family and friends (and even ukrainian companies) here in Spain and those in Ukraine.

Correos Telecom is a subsidary of the state-owned, Spanish postal service, Correos, which dates back to 1716 when King Philip V appointed a Chief Superintendent & General Administrator of the Postal Offices, thus making it the responsibility of the State.

The company has more than 53,000 employees and handles 5.4 billion items of post sent each year. Correos is one of the largest, postal services in the world with over 10,000 postal offices all over Spain.

The Correos Group has subsidary companies:

Correos Express: the urgent postal service of the Group
Correos Nexea: a company that offers communication and document management services to other companies.
Correos Telecom: which manages the Group’s telecommunication infrastructure.

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