Covid Figures 2nd of March

As mentioned last Wednesday, this week's Covid contagion figures will be the last, as they are becoming irrelevant thanks to the evolution of the pandemic.

GRA Covid 02MR22Firstly, there are 23 municipalities that have had no cases during the last 14 days; in other words, just over 50% of all those municipalities listed below.

The highest contagion figures are Lentegí with at 890.2, thanks to the three cases it had amongst it 337 inhabitants and Bérchules at 699.3 thanks to the five cases amongst its 715 inhabitants. Finally, there is Válor with a contagion figure of 851.1 because of six cases amongst its 705 inhabitants.

On the coast Almuñécar has had 60 cases and stands at 231.7, Motril has had 178 cases and stands at 304.0 and Salobreña has had 40 cases and stands at 320.7.

The reason that these figures have become irrelevant is because there are so many cases that are not reported either because the person hasn’t had any symptoms and therefore is unaware that they are infected, and there are those that have suffered mild symptoms and put it down to a cold. Either way, these cases are not reported to the health authorities.

(News: Costa Tropical/Alpujarra, Granada, Andalucia)

Municipality Inhabitants Cases 14 Days Per 100k
Granada 921,338 2,654 288.1
Albondón 722 0 0.0
Albuñol 7,473 12 160.6
Almegíjar 330 0 0.0
Almuñécar 25,890 60 231.7
Alpujarra de la Sierra 952 2 210.1
Bérchules 715 5 699.3
Bubión 322 0 0.0
Busquístar 286 1 349.7
Cádiar 1,492 1 67.0
Cáñar 388 0 0.0
Capileira 580 0 0.0
Carataunas 200 0 0.0
Cástaras 240 0 0.0
Guájares (Los) 1,074 1 93.1
Gualchos 5,287 12 227.0
Ítrabo 974 2 205.3
Jete 985 0 0.0
Juviles 136 0 0.0
Lanjarón 3,612 7 193.8
Lentegí 337 3 890.2
Lobras 130 0 0.0
Lújar 476 1 210.1
Molvízar 2,748 10 363.9
Motril 58,545 178 304.0
Murtas 460 0 0.0
Nevada 1,116 1 89.6
Órgiva 5,866 12 204.6
Otívar 1,012 0 0.0
Pampaneira 315 0 0.0
Polopos 1,714 5 291.7
Pórtugos 387 0 0.0
Rubite 384 0 0.0
Salobreña 12,472 40 320.7
Soportújar 259 0 0.0
Sorvilán 524 0 0.0
Taha (La) 715 0 0.0
Torrenueva Costa 2,892 7 242.0
Torvizcón 634 0 0.0
Trevélez 721 0 0.0
Turón 232 0 0.0
Ugíjar 2,550 0 0.0
Válor 705 6 851.1
Vélez de Benaudalla 2,923 9 307.9


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