Starting Monday, residents of Torrox Costa can use their municipal buses free of charge, regardless of age.
The move was originally announced in April 2021, but then the pandemic decimated bus use because people tried to stay clear of confined spaces.
The Mayor, Óscar Medina (PP), presented the bus passes that have to be shown upon boarding the bus: “We announce that Torrox residents can use, completely free of charge, the urban-bus service,” he said.
This decision will cost the municipal coffers around 140,000 euros per year, which doesn’t include the cost of printing all those bus passes.
The Town Hall expects a rush once it comes into force, so they are going to attend to those whom they consider more in need; i.e., the elderly.
It doesn’t matter whether you were born there or are a recent arrival from a foreign country – the only requisite is that your name is on the Lista de Empadronmiento.
Not only will this free service be beneficial to users, but it will also cut down on the amount of private cars being in use, in terms of pollution and congestive parking.
(News: Torrox, Axarquia, Costa del Sol, Malaga, Andalucia)
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