The Policia Nacional have been able to identify armed robbers who targeted a supermarket, amongst other places, because of an ATM ticket dropped at the scene in Granada.
Allegedly, the suspects, aged 37 and 45, became the most wanted criminals in the last few months, in the city. Commencing their ‘run’ in mid November they carried out 15 armed hold-ups in the metropolitan area and another five in the city itself.
It was the raid on a supermarket on the Avenida de Cádiz in the city where they burst in, armed in with a large knife and a pistol. They got away with 2,500 euros in cash but one of the shop staff managed to follow them unobserved and saw them uncover their heads – they had been wearing hoods, surgical masks and large sunglasses.
Unfortunately, the descriptions that the person gave led to nothing as they did not match any known criminals. But then the police came across the clue that led to their arrest – the ATM ticket.
Examining the CCTV footage belonging to the supermarket, the ticket can be seen falling from the pocket of one of the robbers. Luckily, the police were able to recover the said ticket or slip and the detailed investigation work began.
The ATM slip bore the name of the account holder; a woman living in Cenes de la Vega who had recently been condemned for electricity-consumption fraud for hooking up illegally to a public source.
The police also identified her father’s car,a Volkswagen Golf, that had been used in some of the raids. This, together with the ATM slip, led to the arrest of the two men, thanks to collaboration between the Policía Nacional (based in the city) and the Guardia Civil (based in Cenes de la Vega).
One of the robbers was a known offender from Ogíjares who was living with the woman in Cenes de la Vega (who owned the said bankcard). When the police obtained a warrant to search the house, they found the pistol in the fridge. His accomplice was arrested hours later in a boarding house in Cenes as well.
(News: Cenes de la Vega, Metropolitan Granada, Andalucia)