Many fathers are reticent about letting their young sons use their car, which would have been the least of his worries for one father in Granada.
His 28-year-old son bought two high-range cars using his father’s name to get a loan to pay for them. The father knew nothing of the loan, much less his supposed authorising it.
The father, who is dependent and looked after by another son, started to receive letters from his bank, warning that the monthly payments were not being met.
Furthermore, the father doesn’t even have a driving licence and rarely leaves his home other than to attend medical appointments. The father was not missing any ID or other documents necessary to take out a loan, either.
The first thing that the Policía Nacional did once the situation was reported was request that the financing entity provided copies of the documents used to obtain the loan, which is when they discovered that the other son was behind the fraud
The said son has been charged and is pending appearing before a judge.
(News: City & Metropolitan Area, Granada, Andalucia)