The Reluctant 60,000

The vaccination campaign in the province of Granada is drawing to a close, which at its height was providing 80,000 jabs a week.

SPN Vaccine CoronavirusNow, the number has dropped to 7,000 jabs in three health districts: Granada-Metropolitano, Nordeste and Sur, which comprise of the third jabs for pensioner-home residents and those that have so far not had a chance to be innoculated or have been reluctant to get vaccinated.

Granada still contains 61,911 people who have not been vaccinated, which represents 7.6% of the target population; i.e., everybody over 12. The majority of those that have not turned up to be vaccinated are aged between 30 and 39 (22,102 people).

Yet, even with these reluctant stragglers, 90.4% of the target population has received a complete course of injections (736,499 people).

This means that Granada has a higher coverage than Andalucía as a whole, which has 89.9% (6,700,104 people) of its population covered.

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On the Costa Tropical and in the Alpujarra (Districto Sur) some of those that have not bothered to turn up have been called as many as four times to come forward. In other words, it’s a waste of time trying to contact them further.

There are also people who can’t be located because they’re living here unofficially or have simple failed to keep their contact information up to date with SAS. Even so, across the province there are still 25 vaccination points (mobile units) operative whose only conditions to acquire a vaccine is to be over 12 and not having had a jab previously.

(News: Granada, Andalucia)

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