A woman in Sevilla cut off two fingers from her flat mate's hand and ate them, which didn't go down well. Actually the fingers did but the victim wasn't happy about it.
The 45-year-old aggresor is originally from Kenya and the motive appears to be a spot of witchcraft. This all happened on the 18th of this month in a dwelling on Calle Virgen de Escardiel, in the north of the city.
It was the daughter of the Kenyan woman and neighbours who alerted the police as the argument between the two women became violent.
By the time that the police arrived it was to find the Kenyan woman on top of the victim, who is from the Congo. The latter was bleeding profusely from her hand. Now, the struggle that was ensuing was because, not content with munching a couple of Congolese fingers, she wanted to follow it up by shoving a magic stone up the victim’s bottom. The victim was quite keen to prevent this, naturally.
The paramedics patched up the woman’s hand in order to take her directly to the general hospital. The arrested woman, on the other hand, she was taken to a pyschiatric hospital prior to appearing before a judge. The JP who was on duty that night also withdrew the aggressor’s custody over her daughter.
(News: City & Metropolitan Area, Sevilla, Andalucia)