It was great to see Nacho again and enjoy the gastro-gobsmacking dishes that Restaurante Firmvm delivers to the tables of their expectant legions of culinary fans.
Sitting on the terrace within the square, enjoying a glass of wine whilst the munch mechanics in the kitchen conjure up tastebud torpedoes, you remember that early-autmn evenings are meant precisely for this kind of enjoyment.
Good company mixed liberally with dishes whose artfully arranged appearances are paralleled by the taste contained
within, banish the thronging horrors experienced during mid summer days on the coast.
In fact, as you move onto desserts, you really couldn’t give a damn that you can’t remember on which obscure back street you parked your car, because there was nowhere else to park.
No, Sir! Nacho hasn’t seen the last of me!
Restaurante Firmvm, Plaza Damascus 2, Almuñécar. Tel: 958 633 565 or 636 458 019.
(News/Business: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)
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