The Chana is a working-class district of Granada that has left behind it reputation of being a conflictive area and what better demonstration of it than the following.
Thirty-four street artists (grafitti Banksi style) have been given a 130-metre-long wall to use as a canvas for their creations. Many of them have come from other parts of the Spain in order to leave a work of art during Saturday (yesterday).
The wall in question is a new one belonging to the newly inaugurated students residency Valeo–LIV Student. The City Hall of Granada and the Faculty of Fine Arts belonging to the University of Granada organised the event, together with La Chana Neighbourhood Association.
As for painting material and equipment, it was backed by such private businesses as Pinturas Kolmer and Copingra. The residency hall also participated.
Blessed with a sunny day and no rain, the dozens of artists began at 09.00h and worked away using ladders as the wall is about three metres in height. The atmosphere was almost that of a festival with plenty of music.
The whole idea is known as La Chana Open Gallery, whose conception germinated in 2016 when the City Hall and the neighbourhood association began to sketch out the idea. But Saturday’s event is only the beginning as the idea of both entities is to make La Chana into an example for other towns and cities across Spain. It is also conceived as a tourist attraction.
La Chana is not the first barrio in Spain to come up with the idea, however, because the small town of Penelles (Lérida, Cataluña) is famous for its street art and holds a festival, entitled Festival Gargar, every year.
(News: City & Metropolitan Area, Granada, Andalucia – Photo: Still from Video)
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