A-4 Crash in Vélez Benaudalla

A 28-year-old woman had to be rushed to hospital in Motril after she lost control of her car on the A-44 where it passes through the municipality of Vélez Benaudalla.

COS A-44 Road Accident 10SP21According to the 112 emergency, call-centre, press release, it states that the accident was reported around 10.15h by several callers; a car had hit a crash barrier after rolling over several times, ending up on its roof, near kilometre point 177 on the coast-bound lanes.

And ambulance was despatched as well as the Guardia Civil whose task it was to supervise the traffic past the accident scene until the wrecked car could be removed.

A road-maintence crew was also sent to repair damage to the crash barrier and remove debris from the road.

The victim was taken to Hospital Santa Ana in Motril suffering from various injuries.

(News: Velez-Benaudalla, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia – Photo: Alba Feixas)

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