Peña Escrita Zoo No More

Almuñécar has requested that the Parque Natural de Peña Escrita be struck off the list of Andalusian zoological parks.

ALM Peña Escrita Snow FallAlmuñécar intends to keep it ticking over, however, as a “zoololigical nucleus,” that can be used as a temporary home for wild animals. This would occupy a very small part of this extensive park.

The provincial delegation for the Junta’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and fishing told the Town Council to shut it down in 2008 and since then the Councillor for the Environment, Sr. Aragón, has been constantly finding homes for the variety of exotic animals that were housed there, including tigers, camels and a hippo.

The idea of keeping it on as a temporary home for animals, at the disposal of any administration, does not include putting such animals on show (as a zoo would) explained Councillor Luis Aragón.

The future plans for this 400-hectare, mountain park perched 1,200 metres up is to request permission to reopen the park and for it to function as it was originally intended; rural tourism with its wooden cabins, swimming pool, horse stables and restaurant facilities, all of which need renovation. In the meantime, three municipal workers carry out daily maintenance up there.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia – Photo: JM de H)

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