Mayor, Sra. Herrera, presented Almuñécar's 34 lifeguards at a press call, 29 of whom are lifeguards, three are team leaders and two are medics.
The Mayor explained that there would be no extra helpers from the Junta this year so that beachgoers themselves would have to be responsible over distancing between families and groups.
In fact, there will be no maximum occupation for beaches, as was the case last year.
“Last summer, we counted on 78 beach auxiliaries from the Junta. It was a dramatic situation and they were very useful for informing people and guaranteeing beach safety,” she explained, adding,”we have 18 months of experience with dealing with this pandemic, the vaccine programme is advancing and restrictions are being reduced, so Almuñécar won’t have beach-capacity limitations like last year,” concluding” therefore beach users will have to be responsible over maintaining distancing – we’ve all learnt our lesson and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.”
The private company hired for providing lifeguards, which has small launches, jet skis and an ambulance, has signed a contract for two years with a budget of 400,000 euros.
(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)