The Head of the Centro de Coordinación de Emergencias y Alertas Sanitarias, Fernando Simón, said yesterday that masks would no longer be needed in "not many days."
Doctor Simón said that this would happen when all, or at the very least, the majorty, of the regions of Spain fall below 150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
In fact, the average in Spain at the moment is 151 cases per 100,000 in the last 14 days.
“In very few days, all of the territory (Spain) will be in a situation where some measures can be taken,” he said, explaining that they could be taken on a nationwide basis or just in certain regions.
Before you eye the wastebin for your mask storage, bear in mind it might only affect certain institutions across Spain, such as homes for the elderly where the ‘inmates’ have all been vaccinated.
(News: Spain)
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