Two Autovía Accidents

Yesterday saw two accidents; one on the A-7 and the other on the A-44 autovías; the former in the municipality of Castell and the latter in Vélez Benaudalla.

GRA Tailback A-44In the case of the A-7 accident, an 80-year-old driver lost control of the vehicle and slammed into the crashbarriers around 10.00h yesterday morning.

The Guardia Civil, traffic police and an ambulance were despatched to the scene of the accident and the victim transferred to Hospital Santa Ana.

No other cars were involved in the accident, neither was it necessary to close off the traffic.

The other incident was on the A-44 leading down to the coast from Granada caused important tailbacks forming just before the bridge over El Pantano de Rules around 13.00h.

There had been ‘shunting’ accident when one car tail-ended another, which was made worse by the “gawker effect;” cars slowing to a crawl as they drove past. Nobody was injured.

(News: Castell/Velez Benaudalla, Granada, Andalucia)

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