The Junta de Andalucía announced changes, some of which came in to effect Friday morning but the others don't do so until Sunday morning.
Yesterday saw the changes affecting town-limit closure (500+ infected) and nonessential-business closures (1,000+ infected).
However, the changes to the contagion-level status won’t come into effect until Sunday 00.01h. These include the closing of all nonessential businesses by 20.00h instead of 22.30h.
The whole of Granada is on Level Four with the following limitations.
* Wakes and burial services: six persons inside, 15 open air.
* Religious and civil ceremonies (weddings): 30% of normal capacity.
* Banquetes: 30 persons inside and 50 exteriors. Also only 30% normal capacity.
* Bars & Restaurants etc: 30% of normal capacity inside and 75% on outside terraces.
* Gyms: 40% of the normal capacity.
* Competitions, sports events and training sessions: no spectators.
* Shops: 50% of normal capacity and with 1.5m safety distance
* Public transport: one seat distance between passengers and 50% standing.
* Private transport: two persons per row and front seat passenger not used.
* Cinemas, theatres and auditoriums: 50% of normal capacity. 200 persons interior and 300 exterior.
* Parks & Gardens: generally open. Children’s apparatus closed. Activities with a maximum of four persons.
(News: Granada, Andalucia)
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