Provincial Hiking Programme

The Granada Provincial Council, through its Sports Department has organised 16 hiking trips, in collaboration with the relevant town halls.

GRA Provincial Hiking Programme OnLThe sixteen, day-out hikes are spaced out through the year, ending with the last one on the 14th of November.

The participating town are: Caniles, Villanueva de las Torres, Cádiar, Molvízar, Atarfe, Íllora, Gójar, Jerez del Marquesado, Rubite, Diezma, Órgiva, Iznalloz, Purullena, Beas de Guadix and Jayena.

Furthermore, there’s even an interprovincial hike between Puebla de don Fadrique, in the far north west of Granada with Nerpio in the south of Albacete in Castilla-La Mancha.

The head of the Sports Department, Antonio Cobo, pointed out that much of last year’s programme had to be dropped because of Covid 19, which is why they are so pleased to be able to present the 2021 hiking programme, which gives people the opportunity to discover more about their province.

The organised trips include transport to and from the municipality where the walk is taking place, a guide, printed matter on the hike, trip insurance, a souvenir, and a picnic or a meal of the local dish.

The price per participant is eleven euros. The price for children under twelve is seven euros.

Each trip consists of two options with different levels of difficulty so as to appeal to a wider number of people.

Obviously, safety measures will be taken such as the use of hand gels and face masks (on the bus or in areas other than open air). Participants will also have their temperatures taken before commencing.

Those interested in participating, who must be either adults or accompanied minors and be empadronado in any municipality within the province, should put their names down on the webpage, where you can find out all the information concerning the hiking routes. You can put your name down any time between today and the 22.00h on the 29th of March.

The following are the 16 routes and their dates.

1. Cádiar – 17/04/21
2. Molvízar – 25/04/21
3. Atarfe – 02/05/21
4. Íllora – 09/05/21
5. Villanueva de las Torres – 16/05/21
6. Gójar – 30/05/21
7. Jérez del Marquesado – 22/08/21
8. Rubite – 05/09/21
9. Puebla de Don Fabrique – 12/09/21
10. Diezma – 19/09/21
11. Órgiva – 26/09/21
12. Iznalloz – 10/10/21
13. Purullena – 17/10/21
14. Caniles – 24/10/21
15. Beas de Guadix – 07/11/21
16. Jayena – 14/11/21

(News: Granada, Andalucia)

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