No child spent Christmas this year in Almuñécar without at least one present from the Three Kings, thanks to Ningún Niños Sin Juguete 2020.
Now, Christmas, the 25th of December, might seem a while ago but the 5th of January (Three Kings) remains the preferred day for giving kids their pressies.
The Catholic-Church-run charity, Cáritas Parroquia in collaboration with the Town Hall, as well as the association of shopkeepers (comerciantes) managed to give 141 children in Almuñécar a present this year; one that they otherwise would not have received.
How it worked was that children had to write a letter containing three wishes: a toy, a book and something that they needed. “The majority got what they asked for,” explained the parish priest, father Vicente Guerrero. He also said that those children who didn’t receive what they asked for, was because their request was not, let’s say, reasonable, but they got a toy, anyway.
Father Vicente concluded, “it’s incredible to see each year people coming together to make this campaign a success,” as well as expressing his sincere thanks to the people of Almuñécar and La Herradura.
(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia – Photo: JM de Haro)