Fires & Fireworks

ALM Fire Los Buñuelos JN21In Almuñécar the fire service and municipal police were called out this morning two tackle to fires thought to have been caused by fireworks.

The first incident was reported just after midnight in the Pago Los Bañuelos area in the north of the municipality. The fire, which had to be tackled fast because of the gusting winds, consumed mountain-shrub land.

The fire personnel had hardly finished putting out the first fire when the next one was reported at 06.00h, this time in town, near the Al Club area, just behind Playa Velilla. It wasn’t until later in the morning around 10.00h that the last traces were being dampened down.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia –  Photo: Almuñécar Fire Department)

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