Ferreteria Neptuno Salobreña

PP Locksmith Neptuno SalobreñaThis ferreteria in Salobreña on Avenida del Mediterraneo not only sells all sorts of tools and equipment but also offers a 24h call-out, locksmith service.

Imagine you find yourself locked out of your house, with your keys sniggering inside or cringing on a pavement where they fell out of your pocket… and you can’t get in! Call Silverio Jiménez Molina to get you out of a jam and into your house.

You might just even want a lock changed because you don’t get on with it anymore; you know, the kind that you need half an hour of yoga meditation before trying to open otherwise you’ll go ballistic… again.

Aha, you think, I bought this lock in Outer Mongolia from a passing camel train and I doubt that this ferreteria in Salobreña has such a lock – chances are that Silverio sold him the lock in the first place, so at least give it a try by asking him if he can replace such a lock.

It’s late on a Sunday and you’re locked out! No problem, it’s a 24-hour service so instead of frightening your neighbour’s dog by wailing on your doorstep, phone Silverio! It doesn’t matter if you don’t live in Salobreña, either.

So now you know; phone him on 647 999 580 or visit their website www.ferreterianeptuno.com.

(News/Business: Salobreña, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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