The regional forest-fighting service, Infoca, was battling on two fronts yesterday, not far from the Costa Tropical: Frigiliana and Arenas del Rey.
In the case of Frigiliana, the fire which began in the early afternoon, was in the areas known as Los Trancos and Fuente Vieja both of which are not far from the town itself and both have several cortijos within them.
The fire affected two hectares of fruit trees and wild canes but no dwellings had to be evacuated. At the time of the writing of this article Infoca had the fire under control, thanks to the units deployed: 14 ground fire personnel, a specialised back-up ground unit (Brica), fire trucks and two support helicopters.
Over in Arenas del Rey, which is right next to the popular Pantano (reservoir) de Bermejales. The fire broke out around 14.35h affecting riverbank vegetation (Río Cacín) and olive groves.
Three fire trucks, 48 fire fighters, two operation staff and two helicopters and a single-engine, fixed-wing water bomber flying out of the Infoca base of La Resinera.
(News: Frigiliana, Axarquia, Málaga/Arenas del Rey, Poniente de Granada, Andalucia)