Deaths in Nerja Urbanización

NRJ Urb Nerja DeathsThe Guardia Civil are investigating the deaths of an elderly British couple in their home on a Nerja urbanización.

The 90-year-old husband and the 84-year-old wife, both of whom were reportedly suffering from cancer, died within a short time of each other.

The first death occurred on Monday morning: their adult children back in the UK had been trying to contact them over several days. Finally, they contacted the urbanización’s management office in search of assistance in contacting their parents, which led to the discovery of the deceased man.

The emergency services received a call from the management office for the Urbanización San Juan de Capistrano around 09.30h on Monday morning so the Guardia Civil and an ambulance were despatched. The man’s body showed no signs of violence and death through natural causes was assumed by those present.

However, just several hours afterwards the police had to return as the woman, who had been accompanied during this time, had also died.

Both bodies were taken to the Instituto de Medicina Legal in Málaga, where autopsies will be carried out later today.

It is suspected that after the death of her husband, the woman took her own life, which can only be confirmed by the autopsy.

The couple, who were popular members of the community, had lived for the last 20 years in Nerja.

(News: Nerja, Axarquia, Costa del Sol, Malaga – Photo: E. Cabezas)

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