Urb. La Palmera Flat Fire

ALM Plaza La Palmera Flat Fire 02There was a 4th-floor, flat fire in Almuñécar Friday afternoon in Urbanización La Palmera – the private square across from the Majuelo Park.

The local fire service were called out at approximately 14.30h after receiving a call from the owner who had had an accident whilst cooking the midday meal.

Fortunately, nobody was hurt but the kitchen was somewhat damaged by the fire. The fire personnel, besides putting out the fire, were fully employed in evacuating the smoke both from the flat as well as from the stairwell.

What actually caused the fire was a frying pan containing oil catching light on a vitro-ceramic hob.

Both the Policía Local and the Guardia Civil were required at the scene of the fire to assist the fire personnel, as weel as to control the traffic and keep back curious bystanders.

It took just over an hour to put the fire out and ventilate the block of flats.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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