Fewer Pensioners

SPN PensionerFor the first time the amount of pensioners in Spain has descended, partly because many have died during this health crisis.

To be more accurate, the sum that the State has to pay out each month to pensioners has dropped. As mentioned in the first paragraph, this is partly because many pensioners have succumbed during the pandemic, but it is also because government offices have been closed which has prevented many people elegible for receiving a pension from applying for it for the first time.

According to the ministry that deals with Seguridad Social, the amount paid out on the 1st of May was 9,852m euros, which is a drop of 0.27% on the previous month. Despite it being such a small difference, it is still the first time that this has happened since the present welfare state was set up.

People have been able to do it online, but given their age group and not being dab hands at this new-fangled medium, other than making facetime calls, this was probably a bit daunting, so they opted to do it when the relevant offices opened up again. Let’s face it, Spanish bureacracy is mind blowing enough without trying to do it online.

(News: Spain)

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