Breaking and entering is one thing but slashing and bleeding is quite another, which was the case in Baza.
A 47-year-old man with an impressive criminal record thanks to a hazy grasp on the concept of private property was arrested by the Policía Nacional, thanks to the trail of blood he left behind him after smashing through a glass door to enter a restaurant.
The police had been alerted by a neighbour who had heard a crash of breaking glass and saw a man trying to get through the door. However, realising that he had been rumbled and that he was bleeding profusely, the thief hobbled off leaving a trail of blood. The police arrived, followed the trail and quite nearby found a rather pale looking suspect.
The gash to his knee had left his blood supply seriously lacking so the police drove him to hospital rather than to the police cells. After he was stitched and topped up, he was taken to the police station and charged not only with breaking and entering but also breaking the quarantine as Baza, like the rest of Granada, is still in Phase Zero.
(News: Baza, Altiplano, Granada, Andalucia)