The following information comes from the Provincial newspaper, Granada Hoy, which has a search facility where you can enter municipality to find out the number of (official) cases.
If the search comes back negative, it is because the town that you are looking for has no registered cases.
The list below is ranked in the order of most cases to the least. Again, if your municipality is not amongst them, it is because there are no registered cases.
Armilla (122)
Motril (113)
Maracena (88)
La Zubia (87)
Santa Fe (88)
Guadix, (61)
Vegas del Genil (58)
Ogíjares, (54)
Loja (50)
Cájar (44),
Las Gabias (36)
Atarfe (33)
Monachil (33)
Huétor Vega (29)
Churriana de la Vega (29)
Pinos Puente (29)
Albolote (28)
Peligros (27)
Cúllar Vega (24)
Güéjar Sierra (24)
Montefrío (24)
Cenes (22)
Otura (21)
Alhendín (20)
Almuñécar (17
Baza (10)
Salobreña (8)
Órgiva (7)
Dúrcal (6)
Lanjarón (5)
Alhama de Granada (5)
Huéscar (2)
(News: Granada, Andalucia)
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