Junk-Collection Suspended

ALM Furniture Rubbish CollectionSalobreña has suspended its weekly, household-junk-collection service for the duration of the lock down, which presently finishes on the 11th of next month. Normal domestic, rubbish collection continues as before.

Many workers on the municipal payroll who are not carrying out their normal jobs (amongst them those that previously made the junk-collection rounds) have been drafted into the street-&-public-buildings, disinfection campaign, which began today.

The Thursday junk-collection service was suspended by the Environmental Department of the Town Hall as it is not considered “essential.” People are therefore asked not to put such items out on the streets but to hang onto them until the Lock Down concludes.

As for the mammoth task of disinfecting anything that is not nailed down outside your doors, the street-cleaning company Cespa, which holds the municipal public-cleaning contract, has been reinforced by volunteers: farmers with tractors towing crop-sprayer trailers; private fumigation companies offering their services free of charge (Sanisur); companies specialised in unblocking drains and emptying sewage tanks, offering their bowsers, and of course, individual citizens offering their time.

Furthermore the Salobreña fire engine (fire truck) has had its outlet modified in order to be able to spray surfaces.

Lastly, municipal gardeners and other maintenance workers have been armed with backpack sprayers for indoor work in public buildings.


(News: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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