On Valentine’s Day 2018, M.D. was walking with a friend along a street in Baza when she tripped over a Telefónica manhole cover in the pavement.
This manhole cover on Calle Fueros had a piece of rope as a handle on it and what had happened was that her foot had caught in the loop and she had fallen flat on her face.
Now, nearly two years later, Telefónica has finally agreed to pay compensation in an out-of-court settlement with the women for the injuries that she received. The sum was 4,237 euros.
They had at first tried to argue that it was her fault for not watching where she was going but seeing that they were batting on a sticky wicket (the rope obviously was little more than a booby trap for the unwary) they changed their minds after agreeing on a lower figure than what the woman was asking; i.e., 5,650 euros.
(News: Baza, Altiplano, Granada, Andalucia)