Motril Park Revamped

MOT Parque de las Americas PlanThe Motril Town Hall presented the plans for a park facelift for the Parque de los Pueblos de América.

The project has a budget of nearly 1.8m euros with work lasting six months, once started. The Mayor considers that Motril owes this park this kind of attention, considering it “a point of reference for the area (comarca) and even the province.

The money is coming from FEDER funds (Central Government) PFEA funds (Junta) and 20% from the municipal coffers. The PFEA funds are available on condition of a project being inline with Crecimiento Sostenible (Sustainable Growth, which is a vogue term for eco-friendly. For example, some of this fund source will go on the bicycle lanes linking to the other ones around town.

The areas that will see the most changes will be the north entrance next to the Tourist Information Office, where, for example, the existing fountain will be demolished and a new cascade-type fountain erected in its place. Also included will be the recovery of the abandoned spring behind the church (Fuente del Cerro de la Virgen) and new lighting and surface for the path leading up there.

The park itself is going to gain 1,800 sq/m to be turned into gardened areas and paths. In affect it will join up the park with the Paseo de las Explanadas from the west. There are going to be many more trees including 30 different species.

Finally, the Councillor for Sports, Daniel Ortega, says he is very glad that the new Skate Park will be complete in nature and adequate for all levels in this sport.

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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