The Certamen Internacional de Guitarra Clásica Andrés Segovia in La Herradura is upon us again, this year being the 35th.
This year the guitar competition will pay homage to Manuel de Falla and Joaquín Rodrigo and be held from the 7th to the 11th of this month. As in recent years, it will be held in the Centro Cívico.
The XXXV Andrés Segovia Classical Guitar Competition comprises of two eliminatory stages and then the finals, which will be before an audience. On the 7th at 13.00h will be the draw to see the order of appearance.
Everything played must be from memory; i.e., the competitors won’t be able to use sheet music.
As for prizes, they consist of cash, handmade guitars made by top-class luthiers and oportunities to play in top-notch concerts. Cash prices range from 10,000 euros (First Prize) to 700 euros (Best Rendition of)
(News: Herradura, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)