The Costa Tropical seems to be going through a spate of cars on fire, especially Salobreña, where yesterday another two went up.
It was around 12.30h that the municipal police received a call from people living next to the municipal sports stadium warning of a fire in the surroundings of a cortijo, set off, it seems, by a bonfire.
The owners of the property, two foreign residents, had been burning garden waste shortly before locking up and leaving, according to the police.
However, the wind got up and put some life back into the bonfire and very soon the flames had reached two parked cars, both of which were officially off the road (dado de baja).
The flames also affected a second property belonging to foreigners as well (it is not clear from the police report whether the same people owned both properties or we’re talking about completely different people.)
However, the fire service moved quickly and the second property was not damaged so that the only real damage caused was to the two parked up cars.
(News: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)