Granada Flood-Damage Toll

GRA Baza Floods Sep19The recent floods in the north of our province left 400 hectares of tomatoes, cucumbers, melons and broccoli under a layer of mud.

The affected areas were around Baza, Huéscar in the north east and Alhama in the west of the province. Almería was much harder hit with 2,000 hectares being affected

But it wasn’t just crops that took a pounding – and we are not forgetting people who lost their lives elsewhere in Spain – because in the case of Benamaurel power cuts caused the death of around 20,000 chickens that were ready to go to the slaughterhouse.

Of course, as for the chickens, they were going to die anyway but it gave them a chance to flick Mankind the ‘bird,’ and cluck “Ain’t getting  ya choppers on this drumstick, baby!”

When Río Baza burst its banks it affected around 100 kilometres of country lanes.

In the Huéscar area (up near the Murcia border) Castilléjar, Castril, Huéscar, Galera, Orce and Puebla de Don Fadrique saw its agricultural, road network damaged. In fact, just in Orce, it suffered damage to 25 kilometres of tracks.

Hail storms over Alhama, Zafarraya and Jata wrought havoc on 55 hectares of market garden produce, mainly tomatoes and courgette.

But we couldn’t conclude this article without mentioning Las Gabías in the Vega de Granada area, because the reason there behind most of the flooding was that the ramblas hadn’t been cleared of excess vegetation. Sound familiar?

Editorial note: for the Brits (of my generation) struggling with the concept of hectares, one hectare is just under two and a half acres.

(News: Province of Granada)

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